When motivation runs out, how do you keep going?motivation12channel

 When motivation runs out, how do you keep going?

How do you keep going when all your motivation runs out? When you feel like quitting, how do you get yourself to keep moving forward? While there’s no one right way to do this, these tips will help you find the motivation to keep going and build the life that you want.

You're not alone

When it comes to mental health, it's important to remember that you're not alone. Mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background.

If you're struggling with your mental health, it's important to seek help. There are many resources available to help you get the support you need.

If you're feeling suicidal, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. You are not alone.

It's normal to lose motivation

It's normal to lose motivation.

We all have moments where we just don't feel like doing anything. Maybe we're tired, maybe we're stressed, or maybe we're just plain bored.

 Whatever the reason, it's normal to lose motivation from time to time. And it's nothing to be ashamed of.

If you're struggling to find the motivation to do something, here are a few tips that might help:

1. Break the task down into smaller goals.

Sometimes the reason we don't feel motivated is that the task at hand seems too daunting. If that's the case, try breaking the task down into smaller goals. Once you accomplish one goal, you'll feel a sense of progress and be more likely to keep going.

2. Find a way to make the task more enjoyable.

If the task itself is just plain boring, try to find a way to make it more enjoyable. Maybe listen to music while you work, or do it with a friend. Sometimes all it takes is a little change of perspective to make a task more bearable.

3. Set a deadline.

Sometimes we just need a little push to get started. If that's the case, try setting a deadline for yourself. Once you have a date in mind, you'll be more likely to take action.

4. Get rid of distractions.

If you're finding it difficult to focus, try to get rid of any distractions. Turn off your phone, close your door, and eliminate anything else that might take away from your concentration.

5. Just start.

Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started. Once you take that first step, the rest will usually follow.

If you're struggling to find motivation, don't despair. It's normal to lose motivation from time to time. Just remember that it's nothing to be ashamed of, and there are ways to get through it.

Why did you start in the first place?

This is a question that I get asked a lot, and it's one that I've been thinking about a lot lately. It's a question that I think is important to answer, not just for myself, but for anyone who is thinking about starting their own business.

The answer, of course, is different for everyone. But for me, there are a few key reasons why I decided to start my own business.

The first reason is that I wanted to be in control of my own destiny. I didn't want to be beholden to someone else's vision or goals. I wanted to be able to create something that was entirely my own, and that I could be proud of.

The second reason is that I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to build something that would help people in some way. I wanted to create something that would make people's lives better.

And the third reason is that I simply love the challenge of starting something from scratch. I love the idea of taking an idea and turning it into a reality. I love the process of turning a vision into a reality.

So those are the three main reasons why I decided to start my own business. Of course, there are other reasons as well. But these are the three that stand out the most to me.

Now, if you're thinking about starting your own business, I encourage you to ask yourself the same question: why did you start in the first place? What are your motivations? What are your goals?

Answering these questions can help you clarify your goals and ensure that you're starting your business for the right reasons. And that, in turn, can help you create a more successful and sustainable business.

What are your goals?

Your goal is to start a blog with the hope of reaching new people, sharing my experiences and ideas with them, and making an impact on their lives. To reach my goals, I need to find ways of staying motivated and optimistic when motivation runs out. 

So how do you stay motivated? Here are four tips that have helped me through difficult times when motivation was low and I wanted to give up. 

1. Write your goals down - As soon as you think about giving up on a goal, stop yourself for a second and write it down in detail with the date next to it. This will help reaffirm the importance of your goals and remind you why you started in the first place. 2. Find someone who has what you want - The power of seeing someone who has what you want, inspires us to continue working towards our goals. It's not always easy to find someone who's done what we want but they're always there if we look hard enough. 3. Find an old picture of yourself that makes you happy - Sometimes when we're feeling unmotivated or just plain discouraged, it helps to go back into our past and remember how far we've come or how far we've got left until our goal is complete. It doesn't matter how many steps it took us to get here because all that matters now is pushing forward one step at a time and living in the present moment. 4. Take care of yourself- With everything that goes on in life, it can be easy to forget how important self-care is. When we neglect ourselves and don't prioritize taking care of ourselves physically or mentally, this can lead to health problems which make being productive feel impossible. So please take care of yourself so that you can keep moving forward!

How can you make it fun again?

It's easy to get discouraged when your motivation runs out. But it doesn't have to be that way! Try these four different methods of getting back on track and staying motivated.

1) Make a list of everything you have accomplished, no matter how small the task might seem. Seeing what you've done, even if it's just a tiny bit every day, will help remind you that you've made progress even in the face of a lack of motivation. 2) Create an inspiration board for yourself or for your business. Buying some poster board and collecting pictures from magazines, Pinterest boards, websites, etc., and putting them together is a great way to feel inspired every time you look at it. 3) Take care of yourself by eating well and getting enough sleep.

Find a support group

Talking with others who can relate is a great way to find the encouragement you need. For example, talking with family members or friends who have experienced similar challenges can help you see that your situation is not unusual and that there are ways through it. You may also want to consider joining a support group for people experiencing the same condition. These groups are usually led by professionals and offer a variety of resources including coping strategies, advice on how to handle certain situations, and information on available treatment options. Another option is online forums where you can chat with other people in your situation, as well as read stories from people who have dealt with what you're going through. The important thing is to take an active role in finding the encouragement you need so that you don't feel isolated during this difficult time.

Take a break

Motivation is great. It can get you up off the couch and working towards your goals. But, like anything else, it has its limits and when it stops being effective then it's time to find a new way of doing things. Here are four ways that might help you when motivation runs out so you can get back on track again. 1. Break it down into smaller tasks: Chances are if you're feeling unmotivated or overwhelmed with all that needs to be done, then break down those tasks into smaller ones so they don't seem so overwhelming or challenging anymore. You'll see how much progress you make and the satisfaction from completing each small task will fuel your desire to continue.


No one is perfect and no one is expected to be perfect. If you're feeling discouraged or like what you're doing isn't worth it, remember that there are people who love what they do and are happy with their work. It's important to give yourself credit for the work that you've done and to remember that even if your progress is small, it's still progress. You deserve to take care of yourself so don't hesitate to take a break from time-consuming activities if need be. At times when you feel uninspired, try working on something completely different. Whether it's cooking a new dish or trying out an art project that you've been wanting to try but never had the chance to because you were too busy with schoolwork - anything can spark creativity again.

When motivation runs out: 4 tips to keep going?Motivation12channel.

 When motivation runs out: 4 tips to keep going?

Motivation is often fleeting, which makes it difficult to maintain consistency in your goals. The good news? You don’t need the motivation to make progress toward your goals – you just need to find productive ways to keep going even when you’re not in the mood. Here are 4 ways to overcome a lack of motivation and make progress toward your goals, even when motivation runs out.

1) Define your why

Motivation is a tricky thing. Sometimes, no matter what you do, it just won't come. You might think that this means it's time for you to give up on your goals entirely. However, what if I told you that there are a few simple things you can do that will help motivate you again? It doesn't happen overnight, but with some patience and persistence, these four tips should get you back on track.

1) Make an action plan- Every day has its ups and downs, so don't be too hard on yourself when the low points come around. Instead of sitting around feeling sorry for yourself about how unmotivated you feel, try making a plan for the day ahead of time. Maybe you'll go for a walk or cook dinner from scratch instead of ordering in. Maybe you'll read more than one chapter before bedtime. Write down five small steps and take them one at a time, because each step gets closer to where you want to be in the long run.

2) Set mini-goals- When we set our sights too high, we often end up feeling overwhelmed and frustrated when we fail to reach our lofty ambitions right away. But setting smaller goals will keep us encouraged as we work towards achieving them. 

Continuation (six+ sentences using the words: When motivation runs out, how do you keep going): For example, let's say you want to work towards earning six figures in income by 2020.

2) Set small goals

1. Set small goals Make sure that your goals are manageable and specific. Smaller goals make it easier to see the steps you need to take in order for them to happen, which can help motivate you. For example, instead of saying I want a better job, try specifying what kind of job you would like and how much money you want as a salary.

2. Get organized If there's something holding you back from achieving your goal, organize your thoughts and get rid of distractions so that they don't affect your progress later on down the line. 3. Keep up with social media Social media is a great way to stay connected with people who have similar interests and find new ones too! You'll also be able to access articles that inspire and provide helpful advice about how to stay motivated. Lastly, sites like Instagram and Facebook often contain motivating quotes or funny memes, making social media an excellent resource when your motivation runs out. 

Acknowledge setbacks Acknowledge any setback you've had recently and think about how you could avoid repeating those mistakes in the future. Write down some strategies or techniques that helped motivate you before so you'll have them ready if they're needed again in the future.

3) Take it one day at a time

It's okay if you feel like you can't do anything. You might not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel yet, but remember it is there and that you are moving toward it. Take it one day at a time and do what you can each day. Reach out for support when needed and don't forget to take care of yourself too. Get up and move around, even if it is just for five minutes or so. Allow yourself permission to rest; everyone needs sleep (even you). Get outside or in front of your favorite tv show or movie--whatever helps relax you! And most importantly, know that feeling frustrated or unmotivated will happen sometimes but tomorrow will be better than today.

4) Find your support system

One of the most important aspects of staying motivated is finding your support system. Whether it be friends, family, or even a pet, it's important that you have someone who can help you through difficult times. If you find yourself struggling with motivation and need some help staying on task, get in touch with your support system. They will be able to help provide you with the encouragement and understanding needed to move forward. Once you've found your support system, make sure to put them first. Support others and let them know how much they mean to you so they know what they're doing for you too!


We all have days when we feel like giving up, but it's important to find the passion inside of you and push through. Here are some tips for when that happens: 

1) Find something that inspires you. 2) Be patient with yourself. 3) Focus on what's possible, not what is impossible. 4) Don't let your past dictate your future. 5) Surround yourself with people who make you want to work hard. 6) Remember how far you've come and how much more you can do if you're willing to put in the effort. 7) Recognize that these feelings of burnout happen and don't beat yourself up about them- just know that they will pass, so get back on track as soon as possible! 8) Remind yourself of how much good you can do in this world and how many lives you'll be impacting. 9) Make a list of everything that motivates you and refer to it often. 10) Keep telling yourself I'm worth it. 11) Turn off social media when you need to focus on self-care instead. 12) Put a sticky note or sign where you'll see it often with one sentence reminding you why working hard matters. 13) Do one small thing every day that brings joy into your life and reminds you why this is worth doing (even if the rest of the day doesn't go well). 14) Know that there will be setbacks, but take solace knowing everyone has those moments sometimes, even those who seem to have everything figured out.

How to Create Motivation and Mastery in Your Life?Motivation12channel.

 How to Create Motivation and Mastery in Your Life?

Are you struggling to achieve your goals? Do you lack the motivation to start or complete tasks? If so, then this article is definitely for you! In it, I’ll share some of my favorite motivational tools and techniques to help you achieve your goals and create a more rewarding life. Follow along, and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming the best version of yourself!

Define what you want

We all have dreams, and we all want to be happy, but how do we get there? First, it is important that you know where your motivation meets your mastery. What are you good at? Do you know what makes you happy? If not, take the time to explore these questions. Once you know what motivates you and what you are good at, then begin working towards those goals. It doesn't matter if it takes a few years or even a few decades; as long as you keep moving forward every day, eventually, one day will come when your life is exactly where it needs to be. You may never reach the finish line, but that's okay because true happiness comes from the process of achieving your goal, not just from reaching it.

Set realistic goals

It's easy to get caught up in the idea of a dream life where you have tons of time, money, and resources. But that's not reality. To be motivated you need realistic goals - something attainable that will help you on your journey toward mastery. Here are some things to consider when setting your goals: 

1) Make sure it is aligned with who you are as an individual; 2) Make sure it isn't too big or too small; 3) Be specific about what the goal entails; 4) Be mindful of your current priorities and how this goal might affect them. 

To start off, try setting one goal for yourself for the next month. It doesn't have to be anything huge - maybe just getting started on making your bed every day. When you're finished with that, then set another goal for yourself. That way you can work on where motivation meets mastery!

Get rid of distractions

We all know that distractions can easily derail our goals, but it's not always easy to find the motivation to get rid of them. That's why I've compiled a list of tips for how you can move past these hurdles. 

-Identify what is distracting you. -Figure out where motivation meets mastery. -Be creative when solving a problem, don't just look for one answer. -Learn from your mistakes, but don't let them discourage you. -Remember the benefits of completing your task or goal and visualize what success will look like for you. -Incorporate positive affirmations into your day by writing them down on sticky notes. Put up 3-5 every morning and then take 5 minutes at night to read through them. A great example is I am disciplined. -Do some physical activity every day as this helps relieve stress which often leads to a lack of motivation and gives us a sense of accomplishment which often leads to increased motivation.

Take small steps

Often, the biggest mistake we can make is trying to tackle a huge project all at once. The idea of working on something for years without making any headway is daunting. In order to combat this, take small steps toward your goal. For example, if you want to get into shape but have never exercised before, don't try to start running ten miles a day; instead, set goals that are reasonable for your current fitness level (e.g., walking around the block or starting off with just one push-up). This will help maintain motivation and provide a sense of progress as you work towards mastery. Even if it doesn't feel like much, each step you take will bring you closer to your goal.

Reward yourself

You've started your journey toward mastery. You've taken the first step. But you can't stop there. The work is hard, but it's worth it. So reward yourself for a job well done. It doesn't need to be big or expensive- just something that feels good and makes you feel like you're getting closer to your goal. And don't underestimate this feeling of accomplishment- even small rewards will make a huge difference in maintaining motivation. 

A tasty dessert after dinner? A long, hot shower? Watching a funny show? Whatever it is, make sure you find what works best for you so that you can keep moving forward on your journey!


Start by writing down the things that motivate you. What lights your fire? What gets you excited? What do you love doing? Do the things that motivate you, every day if possible. It's a lot easier than thinking up something new all the time. Next, write down your goals- not just what they are but why they are important to you. Why is it worth it to put in the work now to get where you want to be? Then, take a look at where motivation meets mastery: how can your strengths help meet your goals or how can your weaknesses get in your way of achieving them? And finally, what does mastery mean for you? That might change over time as your life changes and grows with you. Keep asking yourself this question: Where does my motivation meet my mastery?

Can Motivation Be Taught?Motivation12channel.

Can Motivation Be Taught?

We often associate motivation as an innate characteristic—you either have it or you don’t. And if you don’t, there isn’t much you can do about it, right? Wrong! Just because we might not always feel motivated, it doesn’t mean that motivation can’t be taught and learned. Here are three ways you can learn to be more motivated in your everyday life.

The answer may depend on how you define motivation

How do you define motivation?

Is it a desire to achieve a goal? Is it a passion for something? Is it a sense of purpose?

For me, motivation is a desire to achieve a goal. It's a passion for something. And it's a sense of purpose.

When I'm motivated, I feel like I can achieve anything. I'm passionate about what I'm doing, and I have a sense of purpose.

I'm not always motivated, though. There are times when I don't feel like doing anything. And that's OK.

The important thing is to find what works for you. What makes you feel motivated?

Maybe it's listening to music. Maybe it's reading a motivational book. Maybe it's taking a walk in nature.

Find what works for you and do it.

I'm not going to tell you that you need to be motivated all the time. That's not realistic.

But when you are motivated, it's important to take action.

Don't just sit there and daydream about your goals. Get up and do something to achieve them.

Take that first step. Make a plan. And take action.

You'll be surprised at what you can achieve when you're motivated.

Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation

It is a well-known fact that people are motivated by different things. Some are driven by an inner desire to achieve something (intrinsic motivation), while others are motivated by external factors such as rewards or punishments (extrinsic motivation).So, which one is better? Intrinsic or extrinsic motivation?

The answer is: it depends.

 Intrinsic motivation is often more effective in the long run because it is self-sustaining. Once you start doing something because you enjoy it or because you believe it is important, you are more likely to continue doing it even when there are no external rewards.

Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is often more effective in the short term because it provides a tangible incentive to keep going. If you know that you will get a prize if you achieve your goal, you are more likely to put in the extra effort to reach it.

However, it is important to note that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be helpful in different situations. For example, if you are starting a new exercise routine, extrinsic motivation (such as setting a goal to lose 10 pounds in 3 months) may be helpful in getting you started. But once you get into the habit of exercising, intrinsic motivation (such as the satisfaction of knowing you are improving your health) will likely be what keeps you going.

In the end, the best motivation is the one that works for you. So if you are struggling to find motivation, experiment with different approaches and see what works best for you.

Some research suggests that motivation can be learned

It's no secret that motivation is a key ingredient in success. But what is motivation, exactly? And can it be learned?

Some research suggests that motivation is actually a learned behavior. In other words, it's not something we're born with, but something we can develop over time.

So, how can we learn motivation?

Here are a few suggestions:

1. Set goals.

One of the best ways to learn motivation is to set goals. When we have something to strive for, it gives us a sense of purpose and direction.

2. Find a role model.

Another way to learn motivation is to find someone who inspires us. When we see someone else achieving their goals, it can help us believe that we can do it too.

3. Take small steps.

If we're feeling overwhelmed or discouraged, it can be helpful to take things one step at a time. Focusing on small accomplishments can help us stay motivated to keep going.

4. Reward yourself.

Finally, remember to celebrate your successes! When we give ourselves a pat on the back, it reinforces the behavior and helps us stay motivated.

Learning motivation can help us achieve our goals and lead happier, more fulfilling lives. By following these suggestions, we can all become more motivated individuals.

However, other studies show that some people are wired to be more motivated than others

It's no secret that some people are just naturally more motivated than others.

But what is it that makes some people so much more driven to achieve their goals than others?

According to some studies, it may have to do with the way our brains are wired.

For example, one study found that people with a certain type of brain activity were more likely to be successful in achieving their goals.

Other studies have shown that people who are naturally more motivated tend to have higher levels of certain brain chemicals, such as dopamine.

So what does all this mean for you?

If you're someone who struggles to get motivated, don't despair.

There are things you can do to help yourself become more driven.

Here are a few ideas:

1. Set realistic goals.

If your goal is to lose weight, don't set a goal of losing 50 pounds in a month.

Instead, focus on losing a few pounds each week.

2. Find a role model.

Find someone who is already successful at what you want to do and copy their habits.

3. Break down your goals into small steps.

Instead of thinking about your goal as a big, overwhelming task, break it down into small, manageable steps.

4. Get a coach or mentor.

Having someone who can help you stay on track and accountable can be a huge help.

5. Create a support network.

Surround yourself with people who will support your goals and help you stay motivated.

If you're struggling to stay motivated, don't give up.

There are things you can do to make it easier.

Find what works for you and stick with it.

There are many factors that affect motivation, including environment, genetics, and personality

There are many factors that affect motivation. Some of these factors are within our control, such as our environment and the people around us. Others, like our genetics and personality, are out of our control. However, all of these factors play a role in how motivated we are.


Our environment has a big impact on our motivation. If we're in a positive, supportive environment, we're more likely to be motivated. On the other hand, if we're in a negative or unsupportive environment, we may be less motivated.


The people around us can also affect our motivation. If we're surrounded by positive, motivated people, we're more likely to be motivated ourselves. On the other hand, if the people around us are negative or unsupportive, we may be less motivated.


Our genes also play a role in our motivation. Some people are naturally more motivated than others. This is because they have a genetic predisposition to being more driven and ambitious.


Finally, our personality also affects our motivation. Some personality types are more likely to be motivated than others. For example, people who are naturally optimistic and positive are more likely to be motivated than those who are more pessimistic and negative.

All of these factors - environment, people, genetics, and personality - play a role in our motivation. However, we ultimately have control over our own motivation. We can choose to be motivated, no matter what our circumstances are.

Ultimately, whether or not motivation can be taught may come down to individual circumstances

It's a question that's been debated for years: can motivation be taught?

On one side of the argument, there are those who believe that motivation is something that comes from within. It's an internal drive that propels us to action. On the other side of the argument, there are those who believe that motivation can be taught. That it's a skill that can be learned and developed.

So, which is it? Can motivation be taught? Ultimately, the answer may come down to individual circumstances.

There are certain individuals who seem to have an innate ability to motivate themselves. They're always driven to achieve their goals, no matter what. They have an unshakeable belief in themselves and their abilities. For these people, motivation may not necessarily be something that can be taught. It's something that they already have within them.

On the other hand, there are those who struggle to find motivation. They may start out with good intentions, but eventually, they get sidetracked and give up on their goals. For these individuals, motivation may be something that can be learned.

There are a number of different techniques that can be used to help someone become more motivated. For example, setting goals and breaking them down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Creating a positive reinforcement system. Finding a role model or mentor who can provide guidance and support.

Ultimately, whether or not motivation can be taught may come down to individual circumstances. There are some people who seem to have an innate ability to motivate themselves. For others, motivation may be something that can be learned. It may also depend on the person's goals. Some goals may be more motivating than others.

If you're struggling to find motivation, don't give up. Try experimenting with different techniques until you find something that works for you. And remember, even if motivation can't be taught, it can still be learned.


So, can motivation be taught? Yes, it can. But it cannot be taught in a one-size-fits-all situation. Every person is different and has different needs. What may work for one person will not work for another. Learning how to motivate yourself is an art that takes time and effort to perfect, but the rewards are worth it when you finally get there. To make things easier, I recommend the following steps: 1) Figure out what motivates you and do more of those things; 2) Get organized by making a list of tasks with due dates; 3) Find your personal superpower (something about you or something about your life that excites or energizes you); 4) Surround yourself with others who support your mission (getting new friends is key!); 5) Believe in your self; 6) Remind yourself what’s possible.

How to Use Positive and Negative Thinking to Your Advantage?Motivation12channel.

 How to Use Positive and Negative Thinking to Your Advantage?

It’s hard to believe that there’s more than one way to think about any given situation—after all, it’s just you, right? It might come as a surprise that there are actually two types of thinking—positive and negative—each with its own strengths and weaknesses. While the terms positive and negative might seem like they don’t need an explanation, that doesn’t mean these categories should be taken lightly, especially when you consider the benefits and disadvantages of both.

Recognize Your Emotions

It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to take a step back and check in with ourselves. How are we feeling? What emotions are we experiencing?

It's important to take a moment each day to check in with our emotions and see how we're really feeling. This can be a difficult task for some, as we may not be used to recognizing our emotions or may not want to face them.

However, it's important to understand our emotions and why we're feeling them in order to better deal with them. By recognizing our emotions, we can work through them in a healthy way and move on.

If you're not sure how to start recognizing your emotions, here are a few tips:

1. Pay attention to your body. How are you feeling physically? Do you feel tense or relaxed? Are you experiencing any physical symptoms that may be related to your emotions?

2. Pay attention to your thoughts. What are you thinking about? What's going on in your mind?

3. Pay attention to your behaviors. How are you acting? What are you doing?

4. Pay attention to your surroundings. What's going on around you? What do you see, hear, or smell?

5. Ask yourself how you feel. Once you've taken all of the above into consideration, ask yourself how you feel. What emotions are you experiencing?

Once you start paying attention to your emotions, you may be surprised at how often they come up. Emotions are a normal part of life and they're nothing to be afraid of. Recognizing your emotions is the first step to dealing with them in a healthy way.

Replace Your Negative Thoughts

Negative thinking is a bad habit. Just like any other habit, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. The good news is, you can change your thinking habits. Just like you can break a bad habit, you can develop good thinking habits.

Here are some tips for how to do that:

1. Be aware of your thoughts.

The first step to changing your thinking is to be aware of your thoughts. You can't change what you're not aware of. So, take some time each day to notice your thoughts.

2. Identify your negative thought patterns.

Once you're aware of your thoughts, you can start to identify your negative thought patterns. Do you tend to worry a lot? Do you always think the worst will happen? Do you compare yourself to others and feel like you're not good enough?

3. Challenge your negative thoughts.

Just because you have a negative thought doesn't mean it's true. Once you identify your negative thought patterns, you can start to challenge them. For example, if you're always worried that something bad will happen, ask yourself what evidence you have that this is true. If you're always comparing yourself to others, remind yourself that everyone is unique and has different strengths and weaknesses.

4. Practice positive thinking.

It takes practice to break a negative thinking habit and develop a positive thinking habit. But, the more you practice, the easier it will become.

Here are some things you can do to practice positive thinking:

- Every day, think of 3 things you're grateful for.

- Every day, think of 3 things that went well.

- Every day, think of 3 things you can do to make tomorrow even better.

5. Seek professional help.

If you find that you can't break your negative thinking habit on your own, seek professional help. A counselor or therapist can help you identify and challenge your negative thought patterns and help you develop positive thinking habits.

Practice Gratitude

We all know how important it is to be grateful for what we have. But, sometimes it's hard to actually put that into practice. Why is it so important to be grateful? And how can we make it a habit?

Gratitude is important because it allows us to appreciate the good in our lives. It helps us to focus on what we have, rather than what we don't have. And, when we're grateful, we're more likely to be happy.

So, how can we make gratitude a habit?

1. Keep a gratitude journal.

Every day, write down three things you're grateful for. It can be anything from the fact that you had a great cup of coffee this morning, to the fact that you have a roof over your head.

2. Give thanks before meals.

Before you eat, take a moment to think about all of the people who worked hard to get the food to your plate. From the farmers who grew the food, to the grocery store workers who stocked the shelves, to the cooks who prepared the meal.

3. Practice random acts of kindness.

Show your gratitude by doing something nice for someone else. Hold the door open for a stranger, pay for someone's coffee, or send a thank-you note to someone who has done something for you.

4. Be mindful of the present moment.

When you're really present, you can't help but be grateful. Pay attention to the sights, sounds, and smells around you. Notice the beauty in everyday things.

5. Express your gratitude.

Tell the people in your life how much you appreciate them. Let your loved ones know how grateful you are for their presence in your life.

Practicing gratitude is a great way to focus on the positive and to find happiness in the everyday. Give it a try!

Visualize What You Want

Are you one of those people who visualizes what you want?If you are, then you know that it's a powerful way to manifest your desires. When you visualize what you want, you are putting your mind's eye to work and creating a clear image of what you desire. This image then becomes a powerful tool to help you manifest your desires into reality.

Visualizing what you want is a way of putting your mind's eye to work. It's a tool that can help you focus on your desires and bring them into reality. When you visualize what you want, you are creating a clear image of what you desire. This image then becomes a powerful tool to help you manifest your desires into reality.

Visualizing what you want is a powerful way to manifest your desires. When you visualize what you want, you are putting your mind's eye to work and creating a clear image of what you desire. This image then becomes a powerful tool to help you manifest your desires into reality.

Let Go of Perfectionism

Perfectionism is a common trait among high achievers. It can be a positive quality that motivates you to constantly improve and strive for excellence. However, it can also become a destructive force that leads to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

If you're struggling with perfectionism, it's important to understand that you're not alone. Many people deal with this issue. The good news is that there are ways to overcome perfectionism and live a happier, healthier life.

Here are some tips for letting go of perfectionism:

1. Understand that nobody is perfect.

This may seem like an obvious point, but it's worth repeating. You are not perfect and nobody else is either. Accepting this fact can be liberating. It can help you focus on the things that you can control and let go of the need to be perfect.

2. Set realistic standards.

One of the reasons why perfectionism can be so damaging is because it leads to unrealistic standards. If you're constantly striving for perfection, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Instead, try to set realistic standards that you can actually achieve.

3. Don't compare yourself to others.

Comparison is the enemy of happiness. When you compare yourself to others, you're usually comparing your worst qualities to their best qualities. This is an unfair comparison and it will only make you feel worse about yourself.

4. Give yourself grace.

If you make a mistake, don't beat yourself up about it. We all make mistakes. What's important is that you learn from your mistakes and move on.

5. Focus on progress, not perfection.

Don't get discouraged if you're not achieving perfection. Instead, focus on the progress you're making. Every little step you take is a step in the right direction.

6. Be kind to yourself.

This may seem like a strange tip, but it's important. If you're constantly berating yourself for not being perfect, you're only going to make the problem worse. Be kind and understanding with yourself. Remember that you're doing the best you can.

7. Seek professional help.

If you're struggling to overcome perfectionism on your own, don't be afraid to seek professional help. A therapist can help you understand the root of your perfectionism and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

If you're struggling with perfectionism, know that you're not alone. There are ways to overcome this issue and live a happier, healthier life.

Find the Silver Lining

We've all been there. You're going through a tough time and it feels like the world is against you. Everything seems to be going wrong and you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. But it's important to remember that there is always a silver lining.

No matter how dark and stormy the clouds may be, there is always a ray of sunlight peeking through. And that's what you need to focus on. The good moments. The happy memories. The things that make you laugh.

It's easy to dwell on the negative and let the bad times consume you. But it's important to remember that life is full of ups and downs. The key is to keep your head up and find the silver lining in every situation.

So next time you're feeling down, take a step back and look for the good. It's there, I promise. You just have to find it.

Think About What You Can Control

In life, we often find ourselves worrying about things that we can't control. But what if we focus our energy on the things that we CAN control?

We can't control the weather, but we can control how we dress for it. We can't control the economy, but we can control our spending. We can't control other people, but we can control our own reactions to them.

Focusing on the things we can control can help us to feel more in control of our lives. It can help us to be more positive and proactive. And it can help us to find solutions to the problems we're facing.

So the next time you find yourself worrying about something you can't control, think about what you CAN control. And then take action on those things. You'll be surprised at how much better you'll feel.

Challenge Yourself

I'm a big proponent of challenging myself. I think it's important to push yourself outside of your comfort zone on a regular basis so that you can continue to grow and learn.

One of the best ways to challenge yourself is to set goals that are slightly out of reach. That way, you have to stretch yourself to achieve them.

Of course, you don't want to set goals that are impossible to achieve. But, setting goals that are a bit challenging will help you to stay motivated and focused.

Another great way to challenge yourself is to try new things. If you're stuck in a rut, shake things up a bit and try something new. It can be anything from trying a new workout routine to taking a new class.

 Challenging yourself is essential for personal growth. So, don't be afraid to set some challenging goals and try new things. It's the only way to continue to improve and reach your full potential.


While positive thinking may seem like a great idea, it is important to also think about the negative possibilities. So, when you're brainstorming new ideas for your business or daydreaming about what could be, do your best not just to focus on the positive but also ask yourself: What are the negative possibilities? The more prepared you are for the unexpected, the better equipped you will be to handle any surprises that come your way. You can use positive and negative thinking to your advantage by focusing on both sides of the coin in order to prepare for whatever might happen in life!

Can Psychology Help You Tap Into the Law of Attraction?Motivation12channel

 Can Psychology Help You Tap Into the Law of Attraction?

There’s an old saying that goes What the mind can conceive, it can achieve. In other words, if you imagine yourself with the life you want, then that life will become yours. It sounds like nonsense, but what if you could use psychology to make this phenomenon more effective? Can psychology help you tap into the Law of Attraction? That question leads to another question: What exactly is the Law of Attraction? You might have heard of it before; maybe you even practice it in your own life.

The definition of the law of attraction

The law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, people can bring positive or negative experiences into their life. The belief is based on the idea that like attracts like.

The law of attraction is a popular concept in the self-help and New Age movements. It is also known as the secret, which is the belief that by thinking about something positive or negative, you can bring it into your life.

The law of attraction is not a new concept. It has been around for centuries. The Bible talks about it in the book of Proverbs: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

The law of attraction is based on the idea that our thoughts and emotions create our reality. If we focus on positive thoughts, we will attract positive experiences into our lives. If we focus on negative thoughts, we will attract negative experiences into our lives.

The law of attraction is not a force that we can control. It is a natural law that we can use to our advantage. We can use it to create the life we want.

The law of attraction is not a magic wand that we can wave to make our dreams come true. It is a tool that we can use to create the life we want. We can use it to attract the things we want into our lives.

The law of attraction is not a quick fix. It is a process that takes time. It is important to focus on your thoughts and emotions and to be patient. The law of attraction will work in your life if you let it.

How psychology can help you tap into the law of attraction?

We all want to manifest our deepest desires, but sometimes it can feel like our minds are working against us. If you've ever felt like you're stuck in a rut, or like your positive thinking isn't paying off, it might be time to consider how psychology can help you tap into the law of attraction.

The law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, we can bring about positive or negative results. For example, if you're trying to manifest more money, you might focus on thoughts of abundance and prosperity. Or, if you're trying to manifest a new job, you might focus on thoughts of success and opportunity.

While the law of attraction is a powerful tool, it's also important to understand the role that our thoughts and emotions play in manifesting our desires. Our thoughts and emotions are like energy that can either attract or repel what we're trying to manifest.

If we're constantly thinking about what we don't want, or if we're feeling negative emotions like fear, worry, or doubt, then we're actually pushing away what we want. On the other hand, if we focus on what we do want, and we fill our minds with positive thoughts and emotions, then we're more likely to attract what we want into our lives.

The key to making the law of attraction work for you is to become aware of your thoughts and emotions and to consciously choose thoughts and emotions that will help you manifest your desires.

Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Pay attention to your thoughts.

What are you thinking about most of the time? Are your thoughts focused on what you want, or on what you don't want? If you find yourself thinking about what you don't want, or if you're feeling negative emotions like fear, worry, or doubt, then it's time to start changing your thoughts.

2. Choose your thoughts carefully.

Your thoughts create your reality, so choose them wisely. If you want to manifest more money, focus on thoughts of abundance and prosperity. If you want to manifest a new job, focus on thoughts of success and opportunity. Fill your mind with as many positive thoughts as you can, and watch your reality change for the better.

3. Practice gratitude.

One of the quickest and easiest ways to change your thoughts and emotions is to practice gratitude. When you're feeling down, or when you're focused on what you don't have, take a moment to reflect on all the good things in your life. This will help shift your focus to what you do have, and it will help you feel more positive emotions.

4. Visualize what you want.

When you focus on what you want and fill your mind with positive thoughts and emotions, you're actually manifesting your desires into your reality. So, take some time each day to visualize what you want, and feel the emotions of already having it. The more vividly you can imagine and feel what you want, the more quickly you'll see it manifest in your life.

5. Take action.

In order to manifest your desires, you need to take action. The law of attraction is a powerful tool, but it's not magic. Your thoughts and emotions will only take you so far. You also need to take concrete steps toward your goals. This might mean saving money if you want to manifest more money, or it might mean applying for jobs if you want to manifest a new job. Whatever your goal is, take action towards it, and watch the law of attraction work its magic.

The benefits of using the law of attraction

The law of attraction is one of the most popular topics in the self-help world. And for good reason! The law of attraction is a powerful tool that can help you manifest your deepest desires.

If you're not familiar with the law of attraction, it's simply the belief that like attracts like. So, if you focus your thoughts and energy on positive things, you will attract more positive things into your life.

Sounds pretty simple, right?

Well, the law of attraction is actually a very complex topic. And there is a lot of debate about how it actually works. But, at its core, the law of attraction is based on the belief that your thoughts and feelings create your reality.

So, if you want to manifest your deepest desires, you need to focus your thoughts and energy on what you want, not on what you don't want.

The law of attraction is a powerful tool, but it's not a magic wand. You still have to put in the work to make your dreams a reality. But, if you focus your thoughts and energy on what you want, and you take action toward your goals, the law of attraction will work in your favor.

Here are some of the benefits of using the law of attraction:

1. The law of attraction can help you manifest your deepest desires.

If you want to attract more of what you want in your life, you need to focus your thoughts and energy on what you want. The law of attraction is a powerful tool that can help you manifest your deepest desires.

2. The law of attraction can help you attract more positive things into your life.

If you focus your thoughts and energy on positive things, you will attract more positive things into your life. The law of attraction is based on the belief that like attracts like. So, if you focus your thoughts and energy on positive things, you will attract more positive things into your life.

3. The law of attraction can help you create the life you want.

If you want to manifest your deepest desires, you need to focus your thoughts and energy on what you want. The law of attraction is a powerful tool that can help you create the life you want.

4. The law of attraction can help you attract more abundance into your life.

If you want to attract more abundance into your life, you need to focus your thoughts and energy on what you want. The law of attraction is a powerful tool that can help you attract more abundance into your life.

5. The law of attraction can help you attract more love into your life.

If you want to attract more love into your life, you need to focus your thoughts and energy on what you want. The law of attraction is a powerful tool that can help you attract more love into your life.

The steps to take to start using the law of attraction

The law of attraction is not just a concept; it is a real, powerful force. You can harness the power of the law of attraction by following these simple steps:

1. Believe that you can have what you desire.

The first step to using the law of attraction is to believe that you can have what you desire. This may seem like common sense, but it is crucial. You must believe that you can have what you want in order to attract it.

2. Get clear about what you want.

The second step is to get clear about what you want. The more specific you are, the better. The Universe will help you if you are clear about what you want.

3. Take action.

The third step is to take action. The law of attraction will not work unless you take action. You must take steps to bring your desires into reality.

4. Be patient.

The fourth step is to be patient. The law of attraction does not work immediately. It may take some time for your desires to manifest. Be patient and trust that the Universe is working on your behalf.

5. Be grateful.

The fifth and final step is to be grateful. Be grateful for what you have, and for what you are manifesting. Gratitude is the key to attracting more of what you desire.

By following these simple steps, you can harness the power of the law of attraction and create the life you desire.


It is important to note that there is no such thing as a quick-fix solution. Building self-esteem, getting healthy, and changing our mindset takes time, effort, and patience. However, if we feel empowered by our ability to make changes in these areas, we are more likely to be able to access the Law of Attraction and manifest what we want in our lives. Just remember that if you do not believe it can happen for you, it most likely won't! So get out there, get motivated and start manifesting your desires today!

5 Surprising Ways Love and Attraction Psychology Can Change Your Life-Motivation12channel.

 5 Surprising Ways Love and Attraction Psychology Can Change Your Life

Love and attraction psychology can be fun to think about, but it’s also useful in everyday life. Just knowing how the brain works when it comes to love can help you understand your own behavior better, leading to stronger and more satisfying relationships with others. Here are five surprising ways that knowledge of love and attraction psychology can change your life.

1) The brain in love

We all know the feeling: butterflies in your stomach, a racing heart, sweaty palms, and an overwhelming sense of excitement. Love is one of the most powerful emotions we experience in our lifetime, and it all starts in the brain.

When we first fall in love, we experience a rush of chemicals that feels like a natural high. Dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin are all increased, which gives us that giddy, euphoric feeling. This is similar to the high that people feel when they use drugs, which is why love is often referred to as a "drug."

These chemicals are also responsible for the physical symptoms of love, like a racing heart and sweaty palms. Norepinephrine is also the chemical that gives us that "adrenaline rush" feeling, which is why we often feel more energized and alive when we're in love.

Over time, as the initial rush of chemicals subsides, the brain starts to produce more oxytocin and vasopressin. These chemicals are responsible for bonding and attachment, and they help to create a more long-lasting, stable relationship.

So, next time you're feeling those butterflies in your stomach, remember that it's all thanks to the amazing power of the brain. Love is truly one of the most amazing things our brains are capable of!

2) The psychology of physical attraction

When it comes to physical attraction, there are a lot of psychological factors at play. From facial symmetry to scent, there are a lot of things that can influence how attracted someone is to another person. And, while some of these factors are out of our control, there are a few things that we can do to increase our chances of being physically attractive to others.

Facial Symmetry

One of the most important factors in physical attraction is facial symmetry. Studies have shown that people are more attracted to those with symmetrical faces. So, if you want to be more physically attractive, you should try to have a more symmetrical face.

There are a few things that you can do to improve the symmetry of your face. First, you can make sure that your eyebrows are even. Second, you can use makeup to contour your face and make it look more symmetrical. Finally, you can get plastic surgery to improve the symmetry of your face.


Another important factor in physical attraction is the scent. Studies have shown that people are more attracted to those with pleasant scents. So, if you want to be more physically attractive, you should try to have a pleasant scent.

There are a few things that you can do to improve your scent. First, you can make sure that you shower regularly and use soap that smells good. Second, you can wear perfume or cologne. Finally, you can eat foods that make you smell good.

Body Language

Body language is another important factor in physical attraction. Studies have shown that people are more attracted to those with confident body language. So, if you want to be more physically attractive, you should try to have confident body language.

There are a few things that you can do to improve your body language. First, you can practice in front of a mirror. Second, you can take a dance class or an acting class. Finally, you can try to be more aware of your body language in everyday life.

There are a lot of psychological factors that influence physical attraction. If you want to be more physically attractive, you should try to improve your facial symmetry, scent, and body language.

3) The psychology of first impressions

When it comes to first impressions, we all know that they count. But what exactly is it about a first impression that matters so much?

It turns out that there's a lot of psychology involved in first impressions. From the clothes we wear to the way we speak, everything we do sends a signal to those around us. And those signals can influence the way people think about us, often without them even realizing it.

Let's take a closer look at the psychology of first impressions and how you can use it to your advantage.

The Clothes Make the (First) Impression

You've probably heard the saying, "clothes make the man." Well, it turns out there's some truth to that.

A study conducted by two professors at the University of Chicago found that people who were deemed "well-dressed" were also seen as more competent and successful. In other words, your clothes can influence the way people see you, and that first impression can be a powerful thing.

Of course, this doesn't mean that you need to go out and buy a new wardrobe. But it does mean that you should be mindful of the message your clothes are sending. If you want to be seen as competent and successful, dress the part.

Your Body Language Says a Lot

Your clothes aren't the only thing sending signals to those around you. Your body language is also speaking volumes.

For example, research has shown that people who make eye contact are seen as more trustworthy and likable. On the other hand, people who avoid eye contact are often seen as untrustworthy and even dishonest.

So, if you want to make a good first impression, be sure to make eye contact and smile. These simple actions can go a long way in making you appear more likable and trustworthy.

Your Voice Matters, Too

It's not just what you say, but how you say it. Your voice can also influence the way people see you.

For instance, people who speak with a higher-pitched voice are often seen as more trustworthy. On the other hand, people who speak with a lower-pitched voice are often seen as more competent.

So, if you want to project trustworthiness, raise your voice a bit. If you want to come across as more competent, lower your voice.

First Impressions Are Important

As you can see, there's a lot of psychology involved in first impressions. From the clothes you wear to the way you speak, everything you do sends a signal to those around you. And those signals can influence the way people think about you, often without them even realizing it.

So, if you want to make a good first impression, be mindful of the message you're sending. Dress the part, make eye contact, and speak with a friendly voice. These simple actions can go a long way in making you appear more likable and trustworthy.

4) How to use body language to attract someone?

Do you want to know how to use body language to attract someone?

Well, you're in luck.

In this article, we'll give you some tips on how to use body language to make someone want you.

First and foremost, it's important to make sure that you're comfortable with your own body.

If you're not comfortable with your body, it'll be harder to project confidence with your body language.

Second, make sure that you're making eye contact with the person you're interested in.

Eye contact is a powerful way to show interest.

Third, pay attention to your own body language.

Are you crossing your arms? Are you fidgeting?

Fourth, be aware of the space between you and the other person.

Are you standing too close? Are you invading their personal space?

Fifth, use touch to show interest.

You can do this by lightly touching their arm or hand.

Sixth, smile.

Smiling is a great way to show that you're happy and approachable.

Seventh, use body language to mirror the other person.

This means that if they're crossing their arms, you should cross your arms too.

Eighth, make sure that you're speaking in a clear and confident voice.

Ninth, listen to the other person.

Make sure that you're giving them your full attention.

Tenth, be positive.

No one wants to be around someone who's negative all the time.

So there you have it, 10 tips on how to use body language to attract someone.

Use these tips the next time you're out and about and you just might find yourself with a new special someone.

5) How to use psychology to keep your relationship strong?

It takes two to make a relationship work. But it only takes one to make it strong.

Here are some psychology-based tips to keep your relationship strong:

1. Communicate effectively

The key to any strong relationship is effective communication. This means being able to express your needs and wants, and being able to listen and understand your partner's needs and wants.

It's important to be able to communicate in a way that is respectful and considerate of your partner. This means being patient, being a good listener, and being able to compromise.

2. Be supportive

A strong relationship is built on a foundation of support. This means being there for your partner when they need you, and being supportive of their dreams and goals.

It's important to be able to offer encouragement and motivation and to be understanding when things don't go as planned.

3. Be honest

Honesty is the cornerstone of any strong relationship. This means being truthful about your feelings, thoughts, and desires.

It's important to be able to be open and honest with your partner, without fear of judgment or rejection.

4. Be respectful

Respect is the glue that binds any strong relationship. This means treating your partner with kindness, consideration, and respect.

It's important to be able to give and receive respect in order to maintain a healthy and happy relationship.

5. Be committed

Commitment is what keeps a relationship strong. This means being dedicated to your partner and to the relationship itself.

It's important to be able to show your partner that you are committed to the relationship and that you are willing to work hard to make it work.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your relationship strong and healthy.


Love and attraction psychology is an incredibly powerful field of study. It's a fascinating way to understand the world around you, but it's also a great way to better understand yourself. Understanding love, attraction, and relationships will help you in every area of your life--your marriage or intimate relationship, your friendships, your parenting skills, and your work relationships. The best thing about love and attraction psychology is that it can help you find love for yourself too!